Sunday, March 4, 2018

Opinion: About the New Democratic Town Committee

Submitted by Eric Morgenson. The Eye welcomes all signed submissions (email). 
We are members of the incoming Middletown Democratic Town Committee. Recently, the former chair of the DTC, Sal Nesci as well as current DTC member Gerry Daly attempted to subvert the democratic process that brought the new DTC slate to power. While the Connecticut Democratic Party has already ruled against their challenge, we wanted to write and explain why our group felt that new leadership in the Democratic Party of Middletown is necessary. First, this is not about Mayor Dan Drew. Mayor Drew has proven himself a capable leader of the town, and we look forward to a constructive relationship with him.

What the election was about was an organizational leadership that didn't listen to its constituents. The 2016 election was a wakeup call for Democrats, independents, and even some Republicans. Hoping to find the support and resources of a major political party, some turned to their local DTCs for guidance on what to do next. The Middletown DTC was not engaged with a community that was both scared of the future and motivated to resist Trump and Republican efforts to harm working people. The Middletown DTC failed to give those inspired individuals any worthwhile tasks and many quickly became disenchanted.

One of the goals of the new Middletown DTC is to be open and transparent. We are a part of this community, and we will be involved in it. All are encouraged to attend our meetings and let their voices be heard. We will also be clear about how one becomes a member of the DTC, and what the expectations are when you are on the DTC. We are the community, and we are accountable to the community. The inaccessibility that plagued the prior slate and frustrated so many well-meaning and motivated people is a thing of the past.

Additionally, the Middletown DTC consistently was unable to get quorum. Being a member of the DTC is a major responsibility that should be taken seriously, and many members failed to do so. When the state is at risk of becoming a Republican trifecta with Republicans controlling the House, Senate, and Governor's office, Democrats need to step up their efforts.

Finally, the new DTC is much more racially diverse and strives towards greater gender balance. We have a diverse community in Middletown and the prior DTC did not reflect that. The incoming slate makes a concerted effort to give voice to communities that have been historically underrepresented in politics. We want to lift the voices of those who have been silenced for too long.

Ultimately the election of a new slate, which won the vote by more than 70 percent in January, was a necessity to keep our state in the hands of its citizens. Politics affects everyone and everyone deserves a say. As new members of the Middletown DTC, we are proud to say that our new slate represents all people and we are excited to make this city even better than it already is.

Eric Morgenson, Laurie McFadden, Stephen Magro, Diana Martinez, Brandon Chafee, Stephen Devoto, Dolly Haddad, Melinda Brainerd, Lisa Loomis, Will Arther, Bob Reutenauer, Jenny Lecce 

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